Love Actually

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Installing plumbing is always an adventure in Haiti. Here we are finally getting running water in the shower stalls. Our best day was creating an intricate sewage system that was above sea level. We now have an above ground tunnel system in the yard.

It is so hard to believe it’s almost July. We had a very busy 2017. There have been so many projects to help our continued relief efforts to replant, replace roofs and provide water treatment in the effected areas following Hurricane Matthew.

Our ongoing student health teams provided health check-ups for almost 1000 students and teachers. These twice yearly check-ups prevent parasite infestation and provide early detection for TB and heart defects. It also provides malaria testing and treatment, a common debilitating and dangerous disease. The health teams were also able to provide education on Cholera and AIDS.

The effort it takes to work together under trying and difficult times requires practical application of 1 Corinthians 13. The patience when under duress, The kindness to forgive a mistake, the mercy for the ungrateful, and love for the ungodly. These times have taught us as Christians to persevere and the result of this is the Harvest.

This long wait to see the vision of the completion of the ‘children’s village” has been a test of faith. We have been strengthened and built up only through the prayers and donations of many of you. The common thread for all our success is God and God’s love and mercy that propels us to work together.

As beautifully as the children’s village is coming, the work is not yet done. The building interior, the outdoor dining area, and the security wall are only a few of the things that still need to be completed. In order to welcome these children into our home we need your help. By sending your prayers, gifts, and donations you can give these children a protected and caring environment.